Estetika closure merupakan nilai estetis yang diambil dari psikologi persepsi. Kaidahnya menyatakan bahwa persepsi seseorang akan menutup kekurangan bentuk agar menjadi bentuk utuh sebagaimana yang biasa dikenali. Nilai estetis ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk penciptaan lukisan cat air dengan efek-efeknya. Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan mempraktikkan penciptaan lukisan cat air di luar studio menggunakan estetika closure. Objek lukisan digolongkan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu objek terintegrasi dan objek disintegratif. Objek terintegrasi merupakan objek yang unsurnya merupakan satu kesatuan yang cenderung tidak terpisahkan; objek disintegratif adalah kebalikannya. Penghilangan elemen pada objek integratif dilakuakan dengan cara tidak melukiskan bagian tertentu dari kesatuan objek yang dipilih; sementara pada objek disintegratif dapat dilakukan dengan menghilangkan bagian tertentu dari tiap elemen yang ada. Bagian yang dihilangkan dapat diisi dengan efek cat air, baik efek wet on wet, cipratan, lelehan, maupun efek yang lain. Penelitian ini penting untuk pendidikan seni pada tingkat institut.
Kata Kunci: Lukisan, cat air, estetika closure
Abstract: Closure aesthetics is an aesthetic value based on perceptual psychology. The principle is perception will close reduced shapes for completing the whole shapes as they usually appear. This aesthetic value can be applied for creating watercolor paintings, especially on watercolor effects. This study is conducted by practicing outdoor paintings based on closure aesthetics. There are two kinds of painting objects, i.e. integrated objects and disintegrated objects. Elements of integrated objects tend uniting so cannot separate; contrary, the ones of disintegrated objects are easily to distract. Hiding of elements in integrated objects is by ignoring some sides of the objects; meanwhile, for disintegrated objects, it is by ignoring some side of elements of the objects. The hidden elements or hided sides are applied by watercolor effects, such as wet on wet, splashing, melting, and other effects. This research is important for education in an institute of art.
Keywords: painting, watercolor, closure aestheticschildren's songs, musikal characteristics KARYA A. T. MAHMUD
Kebertahanan lagu-lagu AT. Mahmud yang hingga saat ini masih dinyanyikan di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah memiliki daya tarik untuk dianalisis secara musikal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri musikal lagu anak karya AT Mahmud. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Analisis data menggunakan 5 lagu anak ciptaan AT. Mahmud yaitu lagu Cemara, Pemandangan, Ruri Abangku, Kereta Apiku, dan Burung Layang-layangdengan fokus ciri-ciri musikal lagu-lagu ciptaan AT Mahmud. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ciri-ciri musikal lagu-lagu AT. Mahmud adalah: 1) gerakan melodi lebih banyak menggunakan gerakan melangkah (interval M2 dan m2), 2) Teknik pengolahan motif menggunakan teknik sekuens dan harafiah, 3) Progresi akor menggunakan akor pokok I, IV dan V (mayor/minor), serta kadens, 4) tanda birama yang digunakan 2/4, 3/4, dan 4/4, dan 5) lagu-lagu AT. Mahmud masuk dalam kategori lagu bentuk 2 bagian.
Kata Kunci: lagu anak, ciri-ciri musikal
Defense of AT. Mahmud songs, who until now is still sung at school and outside of school, has the attraction to be analyzed musikally. The purpose of this study was to find out the musikal characteristics of AT Mahmud's children's songs. This research uses a descriptive method. Data analysis uses 5 children's songs created by AT. Mahmud is a song called Cemara, Pemandangan, Ruri Abangku, Kereta Apiku, and Burung Layang-layang with a focus on the musikal characteristics of the song created by AT Mahmud. The results of the analysis show that the musikal characteristics of AT songs. Mahmud is: 1) more melodic movements using step movements (M2 and m2 intervals), 2) Motif processing techniques using sequence and Harafiah techniques, 3) Chord progressions using the main chords I, IV and V (major / minor), and kadens , 4) the sign of the times used 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4, and 5) AT. Mahmud songs is included in the category of two-part songs.
Keywords: children's songs, musikal characteristics
This peper was arranged with the aim of tense the background of the creation of the Dayak community harvest ceremony, to understand the function of the Hudoq dance at the Dayak tribe harvest ceremony, any symbolic meaning in the hudoq mask used during the Dayak tribe reception ceremony. The search results announced, the reception ceremony of the Dayak community was motivated by a longing for Heleang Hebeung to his wife and participants who had separated, Hudoq Dance held a ceremony to enhance leadership that helped Ga'ay's Dayak tradition in the harvest season, There were three types of Hudoq masks used , namely: Hudoq nyam'ake, which represents the brave young man who was transferred as a soldier; Hudoq failed, worn by people in the village, namely middle class leaders who gave command to soldiers during the war; Hudoq ba'kap, which is given by a traditional leader who also heads the Hudoq dance.
Keywords: Symbolic meaning, hudoq, harvest ceremonyReferences
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